1. Talking / making noise during a movie - THIS DRIVES ME MAD! There is one person in my life that is terrible at this. I want to scream when he's in the room and I what to avoid watching movies with him at all costs...my dear dad. He just talks to the dog, eats things in loud wrappers, turns the other TV on so loud Canada can hear it, decides to nail something, etc. We all know these people. If you're one of them, please never watch a movie with me. It will ruin my opinion of you.
1B. Dilly Dallying around (yes that's what I said) and coming into a movie 30 minutes late then asking the whole time who's that? What's going on? .... Basically either sit in silence with me and enjoy the show or let me watch it alone. I know that sounds harsh but I love my movie time.
2. People who don't turn on red - If there isn't a sign then turn. I can understand if traffic is heavy, we do need to be cautious. But if there isn't anyone on road then why don't you turn?
2B. Right turn signals on traffic lights - You have a right turn signal with no "No turn on Red" sign and no left turn signal...WHAT? That makes no sense at all. Why have the Turn on Red law then?
3. Ketchup on steak - That is a good way to ruin a perfectly good steak. No excuse.
4. Squeezing the toothpaste from the top or center.
5. People who check their text / respond to a text while in the middle of a conversation - They just hold up their finger as to say "hold on one minute while I check this text that is way more important than what you're saying"
5B. Bluetooth
6. Putting toilet paper on the holder with the flap hanging behind instead of in front - the picture shows the way that doesn't drive me crazy

7. Red pen
8. People who dress their dogs
9. Putting stuffed animals in the back of your car so I have the pleasure of staring at them in traffic.
10. Talking in the morning - I'm not a morning person at all and I love the still quietness that only comes with the morning. Don't try to make small talk with me while I sip my coffee and watch the sun rise.
11. TVs in the bedroom
12. People who air box after making a joke. My boss does this.